Page 28 - Guide to Parliament House
P. 28

Chapter V

                                                                      Rajya Sabha Chamber

                        The Rajya Sabha Chamber has been constructed on the same pattern as the Lok
                   Sabha Chamber. Originally the seating capacity of this Chamber was for accommo­
                   dating 86 Members only. Due to increased membership, as provided in the Con­
                   stitution of India, the seating arrangement in the Chamber has been remodelled to
                   provide seating accommodation for 250 Members. The present seating arrange­
                   ment is as follows:

                               Seats with desks in the first two rows     .    .   .    .           44
                               Seats without desks                                                 206

                                                                      TOTAL     .           .      250

                        Like the Lok Sabha Chamber, the Rajya Sabha Chamber is also fitted with
                   modern sound equipment, lighting, heating and cooling systems, Automatic Vote
                   Recording and Simultaneous Interpretation Systems. Three sound proof telephone
                   cabins each fitted with a telephone are provided in the Members' Lobby, adjoining
                   the Chamber.
                       The Visitors' Galleries of the Rajya Sabha Chamber are divided as follows:—
                               PubliCiGallery                                                     157
                               Distinguished Visitors, Diplomatic and Chairman's Gallery ,          80
                               Press Gallery                                                       76
                               Gallery for Members of Lok Sabha                                     79

                                                                      TOTAL     .     .     .      392

                        The Rajya Sabha Chamber has also got the Official Gallery (situated on the
                   right side of the Chairman's seat) and the Special Box situated on the left side.

                        In all other respects, the Rajya Sabha Chamber and the Lok Sabha Chamber are
                   almost alike.

                       Chairman*s Room: Just behind the Chairman's Chair is located the room of the
                   Chairman where he attends to office work and meets Members of Parliament and

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