Page 9 - Coffee Table ebook
P. 9

PRIDE also conducts a number of programmes for foreign
                 parliamentarians  and  parliamentary  officials  in  capacity  building

                 and  other  specific  professional  needs.  These  programmes  provide
                 visiting  officials  an  opportunity  to  exchange  ideas  in  the  context  of

                 their  experiences  in  their  own  legislatures  and  to  make  them  aware
                 of the environment, culture, traditions and working of parliamentary

                 institutions in our country. That indeed is a matter of pride.

                 With all the professional expertise it has accumulated and institutional
                 maturity that it has achieved, the erstwhile bureau (Bureau of

                 Parliamentary Studies and Training) has now become an institute.
                 PRIDE has carved out a niche for itself as a premier training institute

                 not only in our country but for countries around the world.
                 I  am happy  that  this Publication  is being  brought  out  in  celebration

                 of PRIDE’s achievements in capacity building and creating awareness
                 in democratic principles, ethos and parliamentary functioning. I wish

                 PRIDE the very best in its future journey.

                  Shri Om Birla

                  Hon’ble Speaker, Lok Sabha
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