Page 16 - Guide to Parliament House
P. 16

Chapter     IV

                                                                          Lok    Sabha      Chamber

                         General layout :  The  Chamber   of the Lok Sabha has a horse-shoe   shape.

                         Speaker^ Chair :  On a raised platform  in the centre of the straight line connecting
                    the  two  ends  of  the  horse-shoe  shaped  Chamber  is  placed  the  Speaker's  Chair,  de­
                    signed  by  Sir  Herbert  Baker,  the  famous  architect.  The  Chair  has  a  canopy  over
                    its head and a desk  in front.  Above the canopy of the Chair is seen the  State  Emblem
                    (Asoka Lions) carved in wood with the motto 'Dharma Chakra Pravananaya' inscribed
                    in Devanagari  script  at the  base of the  Emblem.  The motto  means  'To  advance the
                    wheel  of  Dharma'  which  appropriately  expresses  the  ideal  of  a  Legislature.  The
                    motto  is illuminated  by a  neon light.

                         Official Gallery  : To  the  right  of  the  Chair  is  located  the  Official  Gallery  meant
                    only  for  the  use  of  Officials  of  the  Government  who  are  required  to  be  present  in
                    attendance on Ministers in connection  with the business  of the House.  This  Gallery
                    has a seating  capacity of about 54 persons,

                        Special Box   : To  the  left  of the  Chair  is the  Special  Box  reserved  for  the mem­
                    bers  of  the  family  and  guests  of  the  President,  and  for  other  distinguished  guests
                    and has a seating capacity of about 24 persons.

                        Sound Control Booth :     On  the  left  of  the  Special  Box  is  the  Sound  Control
                    Booth  so situated  as  to  afford  the  Officer-in-Charge  of the  sound  amplifying  equip­
                    ment  a  clear  view  of  the  whole  Chamber,  who  is  thus  able  to  watch  the  various
                   speakers and control the volume   of each speaker's voice according to necessity.

                        Tape recording machines are also kept in tliis booth  to  record  the  proceedings  of
                   the  House  to enable  Official  Reporters  to  check up  whenever  necessary  the  accuracy
                   of the  proceedings  taken  down  by them  and  to keep a permanent  record  of  important
                        Simultaneous   Interpretation  Booths  :  On  the  right  of the  Official  Gallery  there
                   are  two  sound-proof    glasspaned  booths  situated  side  by  side  for  the  use  of
                   interpreters  who render  a simultaneous  translation  of the  speeches  of  Members  from
                   English to  Hindi  and vice versa.

                        Automatic  Vote Recording    :  On  the  walls  on  either  side  of  the  Speaker's  Chair
                   are  Lamp  Field  Indicator  Boards  and  on the  two  extreme  corners  of the  Chamber
                   there is a set  of Time Indicator  Board and Result Indicator  Board.  These form part
                   of the  Automatic  Vote Recording equipment   which  was installed  in  1957 to  facilitate
                   a quick  recording of  votes by  Members in  cases  of Division.

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