Page 54 - Guide to Parliament House
P. 54

                       On the dome near Lift No. 4:

                              The Ruler must ever have true intelligence
                              And he must never be a self-willed man,
                              All subjects to the councillors must he entrust,
                              Must sit in Assembly and abide by good counsel.

                       On the dome near Lift No. 5:

                              This lofty emerald like building,
                                bears the inscription in gold :
                              "Nothing shall last except the good
                                deeds of the bountiful".

                       On the dome of Coffee Buffet between Lok Sabha Chamber and Central Half:

                              Almighty God will not change the
                                condition of any people unless
                                they bring about a change themselves.

                       Outside the Central Hall facing Gate No. 1:

                              That one is mine and the other a
                                 stranger is the concept of little minds.
                              But te the large-hearted the world itself
                                 is their family.
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