Page 53 - Guide to Parliament House
P. 53


                       Inscriptions  :  There  are  several  passages  of  noble  words  inscribed at  prominent
                   places  in  the  Parliament  House  building,  which  serve  as  the  guiding  spirit  for  the
                   deliberations  in  the  two Houses of Parliament  and  do not  fail  to  attract  the  atten­
                   tion  of the visitors.

                       Some   of  these  quotations  are  in  Sanskrit,  others  are  in  Arabic or  Persian.  The
                   location  of  the  quotations  and  their  equivalents  in  English  are  given  below:—

                       Above the Speaker's Chair :

                          For the rotation  of the wheel of righteousness.

                       On Gate No.   i  and on the gate of the Lobby of Lok Sabha leading to   the Central

                              Open the door to thy people
                              And let us see thee
                              For the obtaining of the

                       On the dome near Lift   No.  i:

                              That's not an Assembly
                              Where there are no   eldermen,
                              Those  are not elders,
                              Who don't   speak  with  righteousness,
                              That's  no  righteousness,
                              Where there  is not truth,
                              That's not the truth,
                              Which   leads  one to  deceit.

                       On the dome near Lift   No. 2:

                              One must not either enter   an
                              Assembly Hall   or  he must  speak
                                there  with all the righteousness,
                              For  one who  does  not speak or
                                one who speaks    falsely,
                              Does  himself  in the  equal  sin involve.

                       On the dome near Lift   No. 3:

                              Kindness, friendliness  to all
                              Charity  and  sweet tongue,
                              Such  coincidence has not  been
                                found  (in one  object) in  all
                                the three worlds.

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