Page 35 - Guide to Parliament House
P. 35

Chapter      Jll

                                                                          Parliament         Library

                       Parliament  Library  which  is mainly  intended  forthe  use of  Members  of  Parlia­
                   ment  was originally located  in the Central Hall whose lobbies  were specially  equipped
                   with  built-in  book  cases  to  stack  books.  In  1946; this  Hall  was  converted  into the
                   Constituent  Assembly  Hall  and  the  Library  was  shifted  therefrom.  The  Library  is
                   now  located in the Library  Hall previously  known  as Chamber  of Princes, its  adjoin­
                   ing rooms on the ground  floor and the roomsj on  the  first  floor  between  Lift  Nos.  3
                   and 4.

                       The Parliament   Library on the first floor contains  a large  collection  of books  on
                   a  wide range of subjects.  Government  Reports, Debates, Statutes, and various  other
                   publications  for  reference  are  available  for  Members  in  the  Ground  Floor  Library.
                   These are all indexed and  catalogued  and the index cabinets are kept handy  for  con­

                       A Reference  Service is maintained in the Library  which inter alia undertakes  the
                   supply of reference  material to Members  as needed  by them  in  connection^with  their
                   Parliamentary work.

                                                                                         Reference  Room (No.  $j)
   30   31   32   33   34   35   36   37   38   39   40