Page 33 - Portraits & Statues in Parliament House
P. 33


                           VITHALBHAl J. PATEL

                 Great leader with indomitable courage; redoubtable
               fighter and a man of great determination; a leading
               lawyer, patriot and Philanthropist. First elected
               President of the Central Legislative Assembly, 1925.
               Re-elected President in 1927. A bold defender of the
               rights and privileges of Members. Thwarted Govern-
               ment's efforts in the Legislative Assembly to continue
               with discussion on the unpopular "Public Safety Bill"
               by exercising his casting vote. Wrested from the
               Executive the control of security arrangements within
               the precincts of the Assembly in 1929-30, Succeeded
               in his efforts of creating a separate Office for the
               Legislative Assembly, independent of and unconnected
               with Government in 1928.

                    Painted by—C. N. Row.
                    Donated by—Bombawala.
                    Unveiled by—G. V. Mavalankar, Speaker of Lok
                      Sabha, on 8-3-1948.

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