Page 3 - A brief note on calligraphy of the Constitution of India in English and Hindi
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         XIII. Letter from tho Honourable the Speaker to
               Honourable the Prime Minister, dated tho 2nd
              March, 1950.   .   .    .   .   .   .   10—21
          XIV. Letter from tho Honourable' the Prime Minister
              to the Honourable the Speaker, dated the
              4th March, 1950.'                          32
          XV. Note by the Honourable the Speaker, dated the
              6th March, 1950                        22—20
          XVI. Letter from Secretary, Parliament Secretariat,' 1
               to Shri Nandalal Bose, dated the 13th March,
               1960                                   26—27
         XVII. Office Memorandum from Parliament Secre­
               tariat to the Ministry of Finance, dated the
               14th March, 1950.  .  .  .   .  .      27—28
        XVIII. Letter from Secretary, Parliament Secretariat,
               to the Surveyor General of Indift, dated the
               27th March, 1950.                      29—30
          XIX. Letter from the Honourable the Speaker to the
               Honourable the Finance Minister, dated thf*
               18th April, 1950.                      30—32
          XX. Letter from the Honourable the Finance Minis­
               ter to the Honourable thu Speaker, dated thy
               10th April, 1930                          33
          XXI. Letter from the Surveyor General of India to
               Secretary, Parliament Secretariat, dated the 19th
               April, IfiCO                           33—3*
         XXII. Letter from Officer on Special Duty, Parlia­
               ment Secretariat, to the Surveyor General of
               India, dated the 21st April, 1950.  .  .  34
        XXIII. JNToto by Honourable the Speaker, dated the
               21 st April, 1950.                        3f>
        XXIV. Xote by  Secretary, Parliament  Secretariat,
               dated the 21st April, 1950.               36
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