Page 5 - A brief note on calligraphy of the Constitution of India in English and Hindi
P. 5

4. For the calligraphy work Shri Prem        Behari
       Narain Raizada of Rampur was selected and the work
       was started on Handmade Millbourne Loan -Paper
       16!"x20£", 36 lbs., Imp., 500 sheets of which were
       supplied by the Controller of Printing and Stationery,
         5. As regards the'illumination work Shri Nandalal
       Bose concurred with the Prime Minister's suggestions
       .to avoid multi-colour illumination and to have real
       gold spray on the margins and beautiful        border
       illumination in rectangular form all round the space
       of 8" x 13" in the middle of the paper for calligraphy.
       It was also decided that at the end of each of the 22
       Parts of the Constitution a new page will be used
       for calligraphy and \ space on first page of each Part
       was to be left for historical designs and sketches.
       , 6. The services of the calligraphist were placed at
       the disposal of the Constituent Assembly Office    by
       his employers, Messrs. Govan Brothers Ltd., Rampur
       with effect from the 28th November, 1949 and the
       work was completed in the last week of April, 1950.

         7. As the work could not be completed by the 26th
       January 1950, the date on which the       Constituent
       Assembly ceased to function, it was transferred to
       Parliament Secretariat to be completed     under the
       direction of the Honourable the Speaker. According­
       ly the Parliament Secretariat took over the residual
       work with effect from that date.

         8. On the 26th January, 1950 when this Secretariat
       took the work over from the Constituent Assembly
       Office, 99 pages had been calligraphed in English and
       only 15 border    illuminated  pages received from
       Santiniketan.  70 of^ these pages were with      Shri
       Nandalal Bose in Santiniketan.

         9. The position on 31st May, 1950 is that the entire
       Constitution in English has been calligraphed and
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