Page 10 - A brief note on calligraphy of the Constitution of India in English and Hindi
P. 10

       worth doing inasmuch as the illuminated manuscript
       will be treasured by the nation and by the future
       generations as a monument not only of our political
       and intellectual labours but also of the nation's artistic
       achievements. It is for this reason that I approach
       you for your kind cooperation.
         I am sending you a specimen page indicating the
       size of the manuscript. The inner rectangle is for the
       written portion which will be executed by calligraph-
       ists. The margins are for illuminated decorative
       designs. It has been suggested that significant scenes
       from Indian history, legend and life should be incorpo­
       rated in the designs. It is an excellent suggestion and
       I should be very happy if it could be done. While it
       is possible to secure the services of good calligraphists
       in English by advertising, we may not succeed in get­
       ting the artistic portion executed that way. Moreover,
       it is obvious that even if several artists are commis­
       sioned to design and illuminate the pages—the work is
       too big for one man and the time at our disposal is
       short—a master-artist must plan the whole scheme, set
       the pattern of the illuminated designs and generally
       supervise the work. Who but you can do it better?
       You have many artists working with you and such of
        them as you think competent to help in the work could
        lie commissioned to do under your guidance and direc­
        tion. We shall of course pay for such work, though
        the rate of remuneration can only be fixed after a full
        estimate is prepared and passed by the Committee. As
        the work concerned is of the nature of a national
        monument, I have every hope that your kind coopera­
        tion will be available to us.
            If, for any reason, you are unable to accept the res­
        ponsibility of supervising the work of other artists,
         I would still ivqurst you to set the pattern of the
         general designing by doing the title page and the few
         first pages of rli'nl 1^1 iinfi and illuminating the manu-
         festing yourself. ( would ;ilso like to have your valuable
                     regarding the scheme in general as also
         th e nam e o f othe r artist s wh o i n you r  Opinion are
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