Page 15 - A brief note on calligraphy of the Constitution of India in English and Hindi
P. 15


         The services of the calligraphist were placed at our
       disposal for 2 months by Messrs. Govan Brothers with,
       effect from the 28th November, 1949. No request Jior
       remuneration has come from him.
         In the case of artists nothing has been settled. We
       have advanced a sum of Rs. 700 for purchase of
                                  JUGAL KlSHORE KHANNA .
         Has Deputy Secretary have any discussions with
       Mr. Nandalal Bose about remuneration for the artists?
       I am afraid this recklessness may land us in difficulty.
                                          H. V. R. IENGAR.
         The question of cost with particular reference to the
       cost of material and remuneration of artists was dis­
       cussed by me with Shri Nandalal Bose but he was not
       able to give me any near estimate.
         In this connection Secretary may see copy of
       Honourable President's letter dated the 21st October
       1949 to Shri Bose and para 6 of my note dated the 16th
       December, 1949.
         After the Constitution is calligraphed and pages
       border illuminated, they will again be sent to Santini-
       ketan for designing work. It is mostly a labour of
       love so far as Shri Nandalal Bose is concerned but as a
       number of artists are working for us under his super­
       vision he will perhaps ask us to pay them some re­
                                  JUGAL KlSHORE KHANNA.
         There is no doubt that Government will pay the cost
       incurred by Shri Nandalal Bose on the illumination of
       the manuscript.
         In regard to honorarium Shri Nandalal Bose has not
       asked for any amount, the Honourable President has
       offered payment for the work. I fear we have not
       pursued this point as energetically as we might have.
       However, I suggest that the best thing tp do would be
       for Honourable President to write the Prime Minister
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