Page 37 - A brief note on calligraphy of the Constitution of India in English and Hindi
P. 37


                        APPENDIX XXIII
                            APRIL,  1950.

         I saw the English Calligraphist last evening, and
       had some talk with him. I have liked the work that
       he has put through. He has done it as a labour of
       love, and it is impossible to appreciate his services in
       terms of money. All the same, I feel that we must
       give him some ■ honorarium in recognition     of   his

          I learn that his salary with his present employers
       comes to something like Rs. 325 per month, and he has
       put in five months' work as Calligraphist. During that
       period we have spent for his boarding and loadging at
       the Constitution Club, which probably might come to
       about Rs. 300 a month. That, however, is hardly
       sufficient as a remuneration for all the work that he
       did. Considering the fact that we are going to pay
       the Artists at Rs. 20 per page and Rs. 400 for the first
       page, I think, we should at least pay Rs. 5 per page
       to the Calligraphist. This along with the expenses
       incurred on him will come to a payment of Rs. 10 per
       page of calligraphy. In case you consider this erring
       on the high side, I would suggest a lump-sum of
       Rs. 1,000.

         We must also send suitable letters of thanks to his
        employers for having spared his services and a certifi­
        cate to the Calligraphist in respect of his work.

         WP wa<? enauirine as to whether he would be per­
        mitted[toput down his name on the calligraphed copy.
        Td " not see any reason why he should not be permit­
        ted to do so. One can appreciate his desire to be
        associated for all times with a work of this nature.
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