Page 36 - A brief note on calligraphy of the Constitution of India in English and Hindi
P. 36

       our letter No. 542/49-A-14 of 23rd January, 1950 were
       printed on 70 lb. White Litho paper and we find that
       our stock of this paper will only be sufficient for the
       printing of 1,000 copies, of either the English or Hindi
       version. We have, however, got ample stocks of 80 lb.
       Holingworth paper (sample of which is attached) and
       can print the second version or, if you prefer, both
       versions on this paper. This paper is far superior and
       is likely to last much longer but it is more expensive.,
       The extra cost of printing on this paper will be
       Rs. 6,750 per 1000 copies of any version. Will you
       kindly let us know whether you would like both ver­
       sions printed on this superior quality paper or whether
       you would like only one of the versions either English
       or Hindi printed on this paper.
         5. With reference to para. 3 of your letter samples
       of the two styles of binding will be forwarded to you
       in due course.

                        APPENDIX XXII
           DATED THE 21ST APRIL,  1950.

         I am directed to acknowledge with thanks the receipt
       of your letter No. 2499/49-A-14 dated the 19th April
       1950 and to say that the contents of paragraphs 2, 3
       and 5 thereof have been noted.
         2. As regards paragraph 4, I am directed to say that
       the 80 lb. Holingworth paper, sample of which was
      forwarded to this Secretariat with your letter quoted
      above, may be used in connection with the printing of
      the calligraphed Constitution of India both in English
      and Hindi. The additional cost of Rs. 6,750 per 1000
      copies has been noted.
        3. It is hoped that the calligraphed pages of the
      English version of the Constitution of India will be
      sent in batches of 16 pages shortly.
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