Page 31 - A brief note on calligraphy of the Constitution of India in English and Hindi
P. 31


                         APPENDIX XVIII
           MARCH,   1950.

         I am directed to refer to your letter No. 542/49-A-14,
        dated the 23rd January, 1950 to the      Constituent
       Assembly of India Secretariat, New Delhi and to state
        that, it has been decided to print one thousand copies
       of the calligraphed Constitution  of India both in
       English and in Hindi under arrangements to be made
       by you.

         2. The. size of the original calligraphed page will
       be ■reduced by l/3rd in the printed page and the
       printing will be done in colours as per specimen
       page forwarded by you and on one side of the paper
       only. It is also proposed to print the signatures of
       the Members     of the Constituent Assembly in the
       printed copies at the end and it is hoped that there
       will be no printing difficulty on this account. The
       estimated cost of Rs. 62,500 for printing 1,000 copies
       has been noted.

         3. As regards the style of binding, it is suggested
       that the copies may be suitably bound in Rexine
       or cloth. The sample of this binding as well as the
       one suggested by you in your letter referred to above,
       may be forwarded to this Secretariat for inspection
       by the Honourable the Speaker.
         4. It is proposed to send the calligraphed pages as
       and when completed to the press for being printed.
       Some pages of the English copies are already complete
       and they can be printed if necessary arrangements
       are made for their printing at an early date. As and
       when further pages are completed they will be sent
       to you for printing. The calligraphy work of the
       Hindi Constitution has not yet been started and as
       soon as it is started and sufficient number of pages are
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