Page 30 - A brief note on calligraphy of the Constitution of India in English and Hindi
P. 30

        1950 from the Honourable the Speaker to the Honour­
        able the Prime Minister and No. 154-P.M., dated
        the 4th March 1950 from the Honourable the Prime
        Minister to the Honourable the Speaker in reply there­
        to on the subject of calligraphy, decoration, etc.
         2. The correspondence is self-explanatory and the
        estimate of the expenditure involved in the scheme
        as stated by Honourable the Speaker in his letter
        referred to above comes to Rs. 1,80,000. It is possible
        that this amount may be exceeded by Rs. 5,000 to
        Rs. 10,000 or there may be a saving of about that
         3. It is still too early to say what the sale of the
       printed copies of the calligraphed Constitution of
       India will yield as estimates will be dependent upon
       the consideration  of the following aspects of the
           (a) What price may be fixed for the copy as
               reasonable? Whether it should be based on
               the cqgt or the price should be kept below
               cost so that more copies may be sold.
           (b) Whether M. Ps. should be given copies at con­
               cessional rate, if not altogether free.
           (c) Whether public libraries should    be   given
               copies at concessional rates, and if so, to what
               extent and at what rate.
       These questions can only be settled after the total
       expenditure on decoration, illumination and printing
       of the copies is known.

         4. The Finance Ministry are, therefore, requested
       kindly to accord sanction to expenditure not exceed­
       ing Rs. 2,00,000 being incurred on the scheme. They
       will be informed in due course of the actual expen­
       diture and the total amount of realisation by way of
       the sale of the printed copies of calligraphed Constitu­
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