Page 26 - A brief note on calligraphy of the Constitution of India in English and Hindi
P. 26


       and that the whole work including printing final copies
       has to be finished within a period of one year.
         (ii) Shri Nandalal Bose had asked for a telegraphic
       remittance of Rs. 700 presumably in place of the draft
       sent to him before. I had instructed that     monies
       should be sent as desired. I trust this has     been
       acted upon, and Shri Bose has received the monies.
       He may be informed that, in case he wants further
       funds (the total of his estimates being about Rs. 5,000)
       he may write to us, and we shall do the needful in
       the matter. The amount of Rs. 5,000 was       already
       sanctioned by the Honourable the President of the
       Constituent Assembly.
         (iii) 1 had instructed  that  the services of the
       English Calligraphist should continue till he finishes
       his work, and that his employers     (Messrs. Govan
       Brothers) may be contacted and extension" of his leave
       obtained. I believe this has been done. At present
       we are paying the Calligraphist boarding and lodging
       at the Constitution House. He is working as a labour
       of love. But I do not know whether his leave is sanc­
       tioned with pay or without pay. We should also
       know what salary he has been drawing from Govan
       Brothers, so that, in case the question of giving him
       remuneration arises, we may be in a position to esti­
       mate the amount. He has to be instructed to com­
       plete the English calligraphy as early as possible.

         (iv) As regards Hindi calligraphy, the work seems
       to be in a very unsatisfactory condition. In fact it
       has not progressed at all. I understand that the
       English Calligraphist is prepared to take up the work
       of Hindi calligraphy. I also understood from Shri
       Kaka Saheb Kalelkar that, he can find us one or two
       people who would be prepared to undertake the work.
       It will be, therefore, necessary for us to test the
       Hindi work of the English Calligraphist, as also of the
       other one or two people whom Shri Kaka Saheb
       Kalelkar may suggest; and then     we may      decide
       whether the work is satisfactory, and if so, to whom
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