Page 22 - A brief note on calligraphy of the Constitution of India in English and Hindi
P. 22


       have,started. Even, otherwise, the historic document
       deserves calligraphy, decoration and illumination.
         I find that in the matter of the English copy 2/3rd
       has been done in respect of calligraphy, while, so far
       as decoration and illumination is concerned, only l/5th
       is done. As regards the Hindi copy, hardly anything
       is done. Only l/10th is calligraphed and the decora­
       tion and illumination is not yet started.
         I think, we should also have some printed copies of
       the calligraphed and decorated editions. The ques­
       tion is about the'sizes of these printed copies, and
       whether they should be printed only in black or in
         I send herewith two specimens of the print, which
       may kindly be returned. One sample shows          the
       original calligraphed copy reduced by one-half, and
       the other is of the copy reduced by one-third. As
       such works are done only once in a while, I think, we
       may not mind a little more expenditure, and have th?
       copies as beautifully printed as possible. I am there­
       fore. inclined to have the bigger size and printed in
       colours, instead of simple black as shown in the
       accompanying sample.- The total cost for the edition
       of a thousand copies will come to about Rs. 62,000
       as against about Rs, 42,000 for   an edition of five
       hundred copies. If we go in for Hindi copies also, as
       we should, we will have to incur similar cost for that
       edition. There will be some extra cost, say about a
        couple of thousand rupees for each edition on account
        of binding, etc.
          I should think that it may be possible for us to
        dispose of some copies at a price of say Rs. 25 each
        copy and realise about Rs. 20,000 or so from both
        editions. The proposal, therefore, involves roughly
        the cost as follows:—
                                                    KB .
           1. Calligraphy                           fl -00O
           2. Decoration and Illumination for bnth the
              English and Hindi Editions   ,   ,  40,000
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