Page 21 - A brief note on calligraphy of the Constitution of India in English and Hindi
P. 21

         in  conclusion,  allow  mo  to  state  that  it  has  been  a
       proud  privilege  for  the  artists  of  Santiniketan  to  have
       been  entrusted  with  this  opportunity  of  serving  their

                         APPENDIX     XIII
           MARCH,   1950.
         1  need  not  enter  into  the  details  of  the  scheme  for
       calligraphing  in  English  and  in  Hindi  a  copy  of  the
       Constitution,  for  decorating  and  illuminating  the  same
       and  for  having  copies  of  it.  You  have  been  more
       conversant  with  the  scheme  from  the  beginning.  The
       work  was  started  under  the  orders  of  the  President
       of  the  Constituent  Assembly  and  the  Secretariat  of
       the  Constituent  Assembly  was  in  charge  thereof.  As
       the  work  could  not  be  completed  before  the  26th  of
       January,  1950,  the  same  was  transferred  to  me  for
       completion.  In  this  connection  Mr,  President  wrote
       to  you  on  the  25th  of  January,  1950,  on  the  question
       of  remuneration  to  be  paid  to  the  artists  who  are
       employed  for  carrying  out  the  decoration  and  illu­
       mination.  In  reply  thereto  by  your  letter  of  the  29th
       January.  1950.  to  the  President,  you  stated  that  the
       artists  should  be  paid  a  suitable  honorarium,  and  that
       Shri  Nandalal  Bose  might  be  informally  consulted
       about  it.  Thereafter,  I  consulted  Shri  Nandalal  Bose,
       and  I  have  new  received  from  him  the  estimates  of
       the  remuneration.  I  need  not  take  you  into  the
       details  of  the  estimates.
         I  have  gone  into  the  question  of  the  total  cost  over
       calligraphing  the  Constitution  both  in  English  and
       Hindi,  of  decorating  and  illuminating  the  same,  as
       also  of  printing  a  few  copies  thereof.  In  view  of  our
       commitments   made  in  this  respect  to  the  caliigraphists
       and  the  Artists  (except  in  the  matter  of  printingj.
       there  is  uo  doubt  that  we  must  complete-  what  we
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