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        extra  cost,  but  I  believe,  it  will  not  be  great  as  com­
       pared  with  the  importance  of  the  document.
          (viii)  The  Finance  Ministry  should  be  apprised  as
        early  as  possible,  of  Lhe  scheme,  and  their  sanction
        should  be  asked  for  without  delay  so  that  we  may  be
        able  to  put  through  the  whole  scheme  at  an  early  date.
       The  Finance  Ministry  may  be  informed  that  the  esti­
       mates  are  approximate,  and  it may  be  that  the  amount
       of  Rs.  1,80,000  as  estimated  cost,  may  be  exceeded  by
       five  or  ten  thousands,  or,  there  may  be  a  saving  of
       about  that  amount.
          (ix)  As  regards  the  realisation  from  sales  of  copies,
       it  is  difficult  to  give  an  estimate.  But  we  can  decide
       that  matter  later  on.  That  estimate  will  require  the
       consideration  of  the  following  aspects:—
            (a)  What  price  we  should  fix  as reasonable?  Will
               it  be  based  on  cost?  If  the  price  is  too  high,
               a  fewer  number  of  copies  would  be  sold.
            (b)  Should  we  in  addition  have  autographed
               copies  as  suggested  by  the  Honourable  Prime
           (c)  Should  M.  Ps.  be  given  copies  at  a  concession
               rate,  if  not  altogether  free?
           (d)  Should  public  libraries  in  India  be  given
               copies  at  any  concession  rate,  and  if  so  at
               what?   Anyway,   the   realization  may   be
               estimated  later  on,  and  I  presume  that  we
               shall  do  our  best  to  cover  as  much  cost  as
               possible.  The  sales  should  be  effected  by  our
               proposed  new   Department    of  Parliament

                         APPENDIX    XVI
         SHRI  NANDALAL  BOSE,  DATED  THE  13TH  MARCH,  1950.

         I  am  desired  to  thank  you  for  your  letter  dated  the
       19th  February,  1950  and  your  subsequent  telegram
       dated  the  25th  February,  1950  to  the  Honourable  t)m
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