Page 34 - A brief note on calligraphy of the Constitution of India in English and Hindi
P. 34


         But such disallowance of questions or cut motions,
       or want of reference to any of the Committees of
       Parliament does not mean that any Committees or
       members of Parliament are not entitled to have in­
       formation from the Parliament Secretariat or to
       discuss this matter for their satisfaction. A Member
       or a Committee is always welcome to obtain informa­
       tion from the Parliament     Secretariat, and if need
       be, to discuss the matter with the Speaker. It is in this
       view that I would not agree to the proposal being
       placed before the Standing Finance Committee, or
       any other Committee. It would be a bad precedent
       and constitutionally wrong.

         If, however, you so like, you may informally mention
       the matter to the members of the Committee and ex­
       plain to them why you would not place it before them.
       If anyone wishes to know the details, there is no objec­
       tion to the details being given. But the Standing
       Finance Committee should not pass any resolution or
       put any note thereon officially, as in the case of any
       other demand or matters.
        ' I might here cite a recent instance as to what hap­
       pened when the Economy Committee was constituted.
       I informed the Home Ministry that, as the Parliament
       Secretariat was an independent one, I would not allow
       the Economy Committee to examine the Secretariat
       like other Ministries of the Government. I, however,
       said that I would welcome the members of          the
       Economy Committee to look into the Parliament
       Secretariat and make such suggestions as they think
       fit, provided they make no report about it to the
       Government, and submit their recommendations to me.
       This was accepted by the Home Ministry, and the
       Economy Committee after examination of the Parlia­
       ment Secretariat reported to me that they had nothing
       to suggest,

         I trust, you will be so good as to follow the consti­
       tutional course.
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