Page 13 - Portraits & Statues in Parliament House
P. 13


                 Unrivalled  leader  of  men  and  pioneer  standard-
               bearer  of  the  Indian  Independence  movement,  A  man
               of  courageous  leadership,  profound  vision  and  discip-
               lined  behaviour,  who  played  a  decisive  role  in  the  free-
               dom  struggle  along  with  Mahatma  Gandhi.  The  1929
               resolution  of  Congress  demanding  "Puma  Swaraj"  was
               passed  under  his  Presidentship.  An  eminent  author
               of  international  repute.  Ardent  believer  in  science  and
               technology.  Symbolized  the  country's  past  greatness,
               its  freedom  struggle  and  its  future  ambitions  and
               aspirations.  Chief  architect  of  the  new  Independent
               India  and  its  first  Prime  Minister  from  1947  till  death
               in  1964.  Great  nationalist,  internationalist,  humanist
               and  champion  of  world  peace  and  co-existence  of
               nations.  Played  a  great  role  in  bringing  understanding
               between  the  East  and  the  West.  Was  the  author  of  the
               concepts  of  non-alignment  and  "Panch  Shed"  in  inter-
               national  affairs.  Laid  the  foundations  of  planned
               ticvelopmcnt  in  the  country.  Founding  father  of  India's
               democratic  way  of  life; Nurtured  and  developed  parlia-
               mentary  form  of  Government  with  assiduous  care.

                   Painted  by—S.  Roerich.
                   Donated   by—Members     of  Parliament  and
                     S.  Roerich.
                   Unveiled  by—Dr.  S.  Radhakrishnan,  President  of
                     India,  on  5-5-1966.

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