Page 15 - Portraits & Statues in Parliament House
P. 15


                 Faithful disciple of Mahatma Gandhi; selfless and
               devoted national leader. He possessed high legal
               acumen and an unruffled temperament. President of
               the Constituent Assembly. First President of the Indian
               Republic, 1950—62. His unostentatious grace, utter
               simplicity, charity of outlook, deep humility, broad
               humanity, absolute sincerity and his fraternal care for
               all sections of the people won for him the respect and
               confidence of the entire country.

                   Painted by—H. S. Trivedi.
                    Donated by—Congress Parliamentary Party.
                   Unveiled by—Dr. S. Radhakrishnan, President of
                     India, on 5-5-1964.

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